Novelty - Joining Our Team

Playtime - As a SMPT representative you have the earning potential of 50% or more when you sign up.  A SMPT rep. operates as an independent contractor hired through "Sshhh My Playtime".  We give you all the tools you need to be successful and increase your wealth.  You might ask the question "How do I make money and what's so different about SMPT?".  Well, lets start with how you earn money by being a SMPT Rep:

Valentines day - By hosting SMPT parties with the knowledge of adult novelties at your back.

Offering your clients the hottest toys in the industry

Product Selection from some of the industries leaders (Doc Johnson, Cal Exotic, and Topco)

A parent company that can direct ship to you or clients within two to three days of ordering

Packages start as low as 100 dollars in upwards to 500 dollars or absolutely nothing with our Catalog Party option.

Now, what makes SMPT different then any other romance home party company?  Our, answer to this question is a simple one: Knowledge, Freedom, and Variety.  Through our DVD training you learn the "KNOW HOW" of such items as the rabbit, bullet, and other novelties.   You learn the understanding of how to make a customer feel comfortable when choosing a novelty.  More importantly you understand what item a customer needs depending on his/her preference of climaxing.


Freedom is being able to run a party on how you see fit.  We do not restrict you from catering to anyone at your party or do we regulate scheduling or pricing.  It's your party and your in charge of making your clients feel as comfortable as possible.  We offer you themes for parties that you can use and we are always here if you need anything.


Variety is our most proud attribute.  We offer over 18,000 novelties to our SMPT reps and this alone seperates us from anyone in the industry.  Some of our reps do not buy kits because they host "Catalog Parties".  A catalog party is when your clients come over play games, look through catalogs and place orders.  That means your start up is absolutely nothing, but your earning potential is endless.


Upon signing up with SMPT, you will receive catalogs of our products, invites, business cards, and order forms.  Our average SMPT rep. earns a minimum of 350 dollars a party "WOW".  At an average of 1 party a week for an entire year that is a total of $18,500.   An average party is from two to four hours.  Now, our question for you is:

"Do you have what it takes to be a Playtimer?"

Just sign up and we can get you started